All posts tagged: ZEBRA Poetry Film Festival

VORSCHAU: Das ZEBRA Poetry Film Festival in Münster

Das ZEBRA Poetry Film Festival Münster | Berlin findet vom 27. bis 30. Oktober 2016 erstmals in Münster statt. Schauplatz und Festivalzentrum ist das Programmkino Schloßtheater. Das ZEBRA Poetry Film Festival wurde 2002 vom Haus für Poesie in Berlin aus der Taufe gehoben. Es war die erste und ist die größte internationale Plattform für Kurzfilme, die auf Gedichten basieren – den Poesiefilmen.

»Poetry and film can’t live together«

When I was a first year film student, I made a short documentary about the late Hebrew poet T. Carmi. It was a short documentary that spoke about his life and the poems that he wrote. As a beginner, I tried to find images to show while the poems were read. When I showed the short film to my professors, one of them shook his head and said – poetry is simply not a visual medium – there is no connection between cinema and poetic texts. I didn’t know how to answer that at the time. I felt that he was deeply mistaken. For the rest of my film studies, I didn’t go back this question of the relationship between film and poetry.