All posts tagged: Spanien

›Versogramas‹ and the Possibilities for Videopoetry

Versogramas, the 2017 film directed by Belén Montero, is apparently the world’s first documentary about videopoetry, and as such, it’s likely that viewers may come to it with heightened expectations which will not be fulfilled. Taken on its own terms, however, I found it a delightful romp with a few glaring defects. It has great potential as a teaching aid in the poetry or film classroom—especially if, as I hope, its official web release is accompanied by links to all the videos and videopoets in the film. It’s also available as part of a bookDVD from Editorial Galaxia (which I have not seen).

The Minute

Film des Monats Mai 2017 • Sei nicht so wie die Anderen, dann kannst du überleben – von Minute zu Minute! Charles Bukowskis Lyrik ist von einfachen Aussagen geprägt. Der in Kolumbien entstandene Poesiefilm »The Minute« (2015) von Adrián Suárez legt ihren popliterarischen Unterhaltungscharakter frei und rettet Bukowskis Text durch Ironie und inszenierte Oberflächlichkeit vor dem Trivialitätsverdacht.