All posts tagged: lab/p – poetry in motion

lab/p 3 – poetry in motion

This time, the »lab/p – poetry in motion« project is designed differently than in the two previous years: it is not a collaboration of poets and film-makers based in Central Germany, but residents of Central Germany and the Nile Delta region of Egypt. Poetryfilmkanal spoke with the two artistic directors of the programme, Cathy de Haan and Islam Kamal.

Die Angst des Wolfs vor dem Wolf

Film des Monats April 2017 • The poetry film »The wolf fearing the wolf / Die Angst des Wolfs vor dem Wolf« (2014) by Juliane Jaschnow and Stefan Petermann is a good example of how a narrative poem can be (re-)imagined without falling back on illustration. How a simple, clear visual form can create multiple layers. How sound and color can steer the atmosphere without being intrusive.