Lab/p, das mitteldeutsche Laboratorium für den Poesiefilm geht wieder an den Start. Dieses Mal mit einer internationalen Kooperation zwischen Deutschland und Ägypten. Im Mittelpunkt soll das Thema der Identität stehen. Junge AutorInnen und FilmemacherInnen aus Thüringen, Sachsen und Sachsen-Anhalt, die wenigstens einen publizierten Text resp. Film aufweisen können, sind aufgerufen, sich bis zum 22. Juni zu bewerben.
Eine Jury wählt im Sommer 3 AutorInnen und 3 FilmemacherInnen mit Wohnsitz aus Sachsen, Sachsen-Anhalt und Thüringen aus, die im September zu einem 10tätigen Workshop nach Ägypten reisen und dort auf 3 AutorInnen und 3 FilmemacherInnen aus Ägypten treffen.
Die sich dann bildenden Tandems – deutsche/r Autor/in bekommt ägyptische/n Filmemacher/in bzw. deutsche/r Filmemacher/in bekommt ägyptische/n Autor/in zum/r Partner/in – arbeiten gemeinsam an einem Film.
Von September bis April werden alle Beteiligten in ihren Ländern an Workshops teilnehmen. Die 6 Teams sehen sich dann im April 2019 in Deutschland zur Premiere ihrer Filme beim ALLFILm Festival in Berlin wieder.
Die Kommunikation mit dem jeweiligen Partner erfolgt vorher z.B. per Skype oder Email.
Bewerbungschluss ist der 22. Juni 2018!
your text meet my visuals – your visuals meet my text = our film
Apply now – deadline 22.06.2018!
lab/p – poetry in motion 3 – Identity is an intercultural and interdisciplinary programme of OSTPOL e.V. Leipzig and Fig Leaf Studios Alexandria with the support of Mitteldeutsche Medienförderung (MDM), Goethe-Institut Alexandria, Media Authority Saxony, (SLM) , Kulturstiftung des Freistaates Sachsen (KdFS) and in cooperation with Bauhaus University Weimar, Deutsches Literaturinstitut/University of Leipzig (DLL), ALFILM – Arab Film Festival Berlin and the Weimar Poetryfilmkanal/Poetry film Magazine.
The programme is dedicated to foster a new generation of authors and animation- or experimental filmmakers. It provides an early international co-producing experience as well as the option to enhance the professional network by an intercultural exchange. For achieving this goal we will invite to lab/p – poetry in motion 3 identity 3 authors and 3 filmmakers who are residents of the Nile Delta and 3 authors and 3 filmmakers who are residents of Central Germany (Saxony, Saxony-Anhalt or Thuringia)
The growing diversity of society and life designs is a current topic in Egypt and Germany. The term IDENTITY attaches very private, individual as well as societal and political positions. What defines me? The place or the family or religion I’m born in? My gender? …
For lab/p 3 12 artists from Egypt and Germany will collaborate in an artistic discourse.
Who can apply?
Applicants should be either residents of the Nile Delta – for the application in Egypt – or Central Germany (Saxony, Saxony-Anhalt or or Thuringia) for the application in Germany.
Authors and filmmakers should be in the beginning of their careers and should at least have one text be published or one film screened at a festival.
The programme offers a continuous coaching: starting with a workshop in September in Egypt – followed by group sessions – parallel in Egypt and Germany – and will celebrate its final with the premieres at ALFILM Arab Film Festival and Berlin and Leipzig in 2019.
The 12 participants (6 teams) will be invited to the workshop in Egypt in September 2018 and the premiere in Germany in April 2019. During the development process professionals will coach the participants for the production of their 6 short films in group sessions in both countries.
The goal is to develop and finalise 6 short films in a dialogue on eye-level: Egypt – based authors will team up with a Germany – based filmmaker, Germany – based authors will team up with an Egypt-based filmmaker – to create jointly a poetry film. The poetic text for the film should be written by one team member.
The 6 short films will be presented as special programme during ALFILM Arab Film Festival Berlin. A programme documentation a mutilingual book (Arabic – German – English) and dvd will be published.
The programme language is English therefore participants should be able to communicate fluently in English for discussing their ideas with the project partner. Submitted poetic reference texts for the Arab jury can be in Arabic, for the German jury in German. Submitted films should have English subtitles.
Call for entries: 25.05. – 22.06.2018
Invitation for selected applicants to the jury interviews 28.06.2018
Jury interviews in Leipzig: 26.07.2018 10:00 – 18:00 h
Notification of the jury decision: Evening 26.07.2018
Kick-off workshop in Leipzig 27.07.2018 13:00 – 21:00h (for German participants)
Workshop in Egypt: 10 days in September 2018
License rights
Please note, that OSTPOL and the project partners will recieve the non exclusive rights for the non commercial screening of the 6 short films. All other rights remain with the teams.
Requirements for the application
– the completed application form
– cv and bibliography/ filmography (max. 3 pages)
– letter of motivation (max. 1 page)
– References:
– either up to 3 (max.3 pages ) poetic texts
– or up to 3 links to films