The Discovery of Fire: One Poet’s Journey into Poetry-Film
In the long history of art and literature, poetry films are very new, and videopoems and their web derivatives are even newer. So why does their appeal seem so timeless?
In the long history of art and literature, poetry films are very new, and videopoems and their web derivatives are even newer. So why does their appeal seem so timeless?
Video poetry, poetry-film, poetry video, cine-poem, filmpoem, videopoetry, etc. What’s in a name?
Film des Monats Mai 2015 • Four in the morning, crapped out, yawning« (»Vier Uhr morgens, völlig durch den Wind, gähnend«) – so beschreibt Christine Hooper ihren eigenen Film. Und kürzer ist er kaum in Worte zu fassen. »On Loop« greift das Thema der Schlaflosigkeit auf und versucht diesen surrealen Zustand in Wort und Bild zu gestalten.